Immunisation And Vaccination

Guardian Angels Training offers a wide range of Immunisation and Vaccination training to suit the needs of providers from;

  • one-day Flu Vaccine and Anaphylaxis training courses
  • one-day Immunisation and Vaccination Update training course
  • two-day Childhood Immunisation and Vaccine training course
  • two-day General Practice Immunisation and Vaccine training course
  • two-day HCA / HSW / Assistant Practitioner Immunisation training course
  • two-day Immunisation and Vaccines for Travel

All of our range of Immunisation and Vaccination training courses are delivered in accordance with national standards and guidelines including: Public Health England National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation training 2005/2015), Department of Health’s Immunisation against infectious disease Green Book, RCN Supporting the delivery of Immunisation education 2015; RCN Immunisation Knowledge and Skills Competence Assessment Tool 2015.

Typical content of our Immunisation and Vaccine training courses include:

  • National Policy, Standards and Guidelines for Immunisation and Vaccines
  • Our immune system and how vaccines work
  • Preventable diseases and the effectiveness of Immunisations
  • Available vaccines and their pharmacological background
  • The use of prescriptions; patient specific directions (PSD) and a patient group directions (PGD)
  • Legal, ethical, moral and consent issues regarding immunisation and vaccines
  • Contraindications, adverse reactions and anaphylaxis within an immunisation setting
  • Safe management of Immunisations (storage, handling and administration of vaccines)
  • Communication during the immunisation consultation
  • Defensible documentation and record keeping
  • Immunisation risk assessments and at risk groups
  • Health promotion
  • General health and vaccine screening

Please note we do not offer these courses on an open course basis. All of our Immunisation and Vaccination training are delivered onsite to organisations. This delivery model allows us to fully bespoke the Immunisation and Vaccination training content and delivery to suit the needs of the organisation.

Guardian Angels Training will provide the necessary competency proformas required to ensure safe and evidenced-based clinical practice following completion of our training courses. This will then allow the Registered Provider to ensure mandatory competency assessments are completed within the workplace by a nominated mentor/supervisor. If you need further advice regarding competency assessments or if you would like our Registered Nurse Trainers to provide onsite competency assessments then please do contact us.