Manual Handling Level 2 Rqf Qcf


More working days are lost in the UK each year to manual handling injuries than any other illness or injury. Employees cannot be expected to know the ins and out of safe handling without being appropriately trained, which is precisely why those overlooking the importance of manual handling training are the most likely to suffer strains, sprains, muscle pulls and more serious injuries. British businesses are now required by law to provide appropriate manual handling training for the benefit or employees – a law that covers all working environments across the board.

Guardian Angels Training offers a simple yet effective Level 2 RQF (QCF) qualification in manual handling, which has the potential to both satisfy governmental regulations and help build a safer working environment for all employees. Any staff who may on occasion or on a regular basis be required to move inanimate objects could benefit significantly from the course’s content – those required to move human beings however should not consider manual handling training a sufficient qualification.


The Level 2 Award in Manual Handling training course instils safe lifting and carrying habits in the workforce by communicating why appropriate lifting techniques are important and by introducing the consequences of poor lifting practices. Upon completion, delegates will be fully-versed in pushing, pulling, lifting, lowering and carrying objects in the safest possible manner – all while keeping within their own personal limitations.

Outline of programme

  • Manual handling hazards, risks and controls
  • How manual handling operations can cause injury and harm
  • The scope of legal requirements and where guidance can be found
  • The process for assessing manual handling risks
  • The value of risk assessment and how it applies to safe manual handling practice
  • Manual handling techniques – lifting loads from low levels/working at low levels/lowering from height/pushing loads/pulling loads/carrying/team handling

Designed For

Employees who perform some manual handling tasks in the workplace

Course Duration

3-6 hours

Assessment Method

Multiple Choice Questionnaire plus practical assessment


All of our courses are priced competitively and we promise to beat any like-for-like training quote

OFQUAL Accredited

Yes, candidates graduate with the Level 2 Award in Manual Handling RQF (QCF)